Are you prepared to survive in troubled times when the whole world falls apart, or when you yourself go through a personal crisis? In this presentation Tim Roosenberg examines the research on survival and shows you the characteristics of survivors. Tim discovered that the characteristics of survivors tend to parallel principles in the Bible that were given to guide us through life. You will find lots of practical practical information, and stories that illustrate the principles of surviving in troubled times. Tim will share both his own stories of rescue and survival and the stories of others. This presentation will give you tools for both spiritual and physical survival. Tim is a survivor, not a survivalist. He does believe that being mentally and spiritually prepared for trouble will not only increase the length of your life but more importantly the quality of your life. This presentation will bring laughter, tears and the settled conviction that God will bring us through, and that God will work it all out for good. | TIM ROOSENBERG has studied prophecy for over 25 years and has discovered that following the interpretation methods of the early church and the reformers results in the most reliable and logical understanding of Bible prophecy.