2,300 Days, Who Cares? - Mark Howard

2,300 Days, Who Cares?

by Mark Howard

For many Adventists, the 2300-day prophecy is a throwback to the “bad old days” of rigid Adventism when everyone feared the judgment and no one had the slightest assurance of salvation. Today, it seems a relic hardly worthy of our notice. Yet we are reminded that this doctrine is both “the foundation and the central pillar of the advent faith,” and that “the subject of the sanctuary and the investigative judgment should be clearly understood by the people of God” if we want to have a living faith experience. Discover how a renewed look at this subject will revitalize your Christianity and introduce you to Jesus on an entirely new level!

Mark Howard is the director of the Emmanuel Institute of Evangelism, a school that specializes in intensive practical soul-winning training programs for laypeople and ministers alike. He also serves as a pastor in Michigan, where he lives with his wife Stephanie and their two children, Caleb and Annie. Howard is known for his clear, enthusiastic presentation style and for his practical, timely messages.

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1 - Part 1.mp3
2 - Part 2.mp3
3 - Part 3.mp3
4 - Part 4.mp3