Revelation's Victorious Christ - Mark Finley

Revelation's Victorious Christ

by Mark Finley

Join us as we discover how Jesus speaks words of hope, redemption and deliverance to an end-time generation. Answer centuries old questions in Revelation. Watch how Satan may endeavor to overthrow God's plans, but how Jesus has never lost a battle yet, and God never fails!

Since 2005, Mark Finley has served as General Conference vice president, working with evangelism and television as his primary portfolio. Prior to his current position, he served for nearly two years as general field secretary at the world headquarters, directing the Center for Global Evangelism. Many people know him best as a television speaker: for the current series “Experience Hope,” a weekly Hope Channel broadcast; for 20 years as speaker of the It Is Written telecast; and for the first NET evangelism satellite series broadcast in North America (1995, and again in 1996, 2000 and 2008). Finley has preached more than 20 NET series, broadcast throughout the world. He has also presented more than 150 evangelistic series in about 80 countries—with the resulting baptisms numbering in the thousands. Finley uses his preaching and evangelism gifts to teach others in seminars, field schools, and evangelism institutes. He has written more than 70 books, as well as numerous seminar presentations, major evangelistic series sermons, teaching manuals, and magazine articles. His recorded seminars and series number about 20 and are available for purchase in various media formats. He also writes a Bible study lesson published monthly in Adventist World. Finley and his wife, Ernestine “Teenie,” have teamed up in ministry throughout the years. They share a family of three grown children, Deborah, Rebecca, and Mark Jr., and two grandchildren.

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Available Titles
1 - Jesus Wins, Satan Loses.mp3
2 - Revelations Three Songs.mp3
3 - When All Our Questions are Answered.mp3