In the Footsteps of Jesus - Gary Venden

In the Footsteps of Jesus

by Gary Venden

Be inspired and encouraged each morning as we will follow the footsteps of Jesus from the Saturday night party at Simon’s house through the Thursday night Passover in the upper room, as recorded in the Gospel of John. We see Jesus’ compassionate and courageous heart as he boldly defends Mary’s extravagant worship, makes his final vigorous-yet-humble attempts to win over the people and the Pharisees, and goes to incredible lengths endeavoring to turn Judas back from self-destruction and to prepare his squabbling disciples for their future mission and glory.

Gary Venden has been in ministry 40+ years, and presently pastors the Glendale church in Phoenix, AZ, where he and his wife Marilynn have served since 1997.  Gary carries a special passion for the message of “Righteousness by Faith” which he learned from his cousin and mentor, Morris Venden. Daily seeking a deeper personal friendship with Jesus has been the anchor point of his life and ministry.

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Available Titles
1 - Hero of the Heart.mp3
2 - Grand Entrance.mp3
3 - Super Tuesday.mp3
4 - Dirty Feet.mp3
5 - Attempted Rescue.mp3
6 - Finding Life.mp3
7 - Finding Life (pt 2).mp3
8 - Original Glory.mp3
9 - New Commandment.mp3